
Welcome to the Impact Group page for the April Lausanne Europe 20/21 Conversation. If this is your first participation in the LE20/21 Conversation, just follow the steps below to guide your group through the various elements. If not, then welcome back.


Covid-19 has had an extraordinary impact on all our lives over the past month. Given that one of the priorities for the Conversation is to reflect on the crucial issues for mission in Europe, we felt it would be right to focus this month on the Coronovirus outbreak and on mobilisation for mission. LE20/21 Impact Groups are an ideal way to reflect together on what we are currently experiencing, to learn from others and to pray.

We have chosen three short articles written in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and we would like you to read them before you meet. There is a theological perspective by Pablo Martinez, a reflection on the importance of physical contact by René Breuel, and an example of a creative missional response by Ron Anderson.

Podcast | Mobilisation

The second topic of conversation for the April Impact Group is mobilisation. Rather than an article to read, we would like you to prepare for the Impact Group by listening to this Podcast interview with Katerina and Daniel Kocyan from the Czech Republic. A transcript of the recording is also provided.

1. Introduction and Prayer

If this is your first Impact Group, give some time for everyone to introduce themselves. Ask someone to pray that God would inspire your conversation.

2. Reading and Reflection

We strongly recommend that you read the three articles about Coronavirus before your group gathers. We then suggest you discuss the following questions.

  1. What examples of the power of trust triumphing over fear have you experienced or seen in your situation?
  2. What have you found most difficult or challenging about the loss of physical contact, connection and embodied church life? On the other hand, what opportunities has it provided?
  3. What examples of missional innovation have you observed in response to the crisis?
  4. In some countries, Coronavirus has brought to the surface discriminatory attitudes towards migrants and others. What evidence have you seen of this in your situation, and how should the “ethics of the Kingdom” be influencing our response, whether in word or deed?

3. Podcast | Mobilisation

Meet Katerina and Daniel Kocyan from the Czech Republic. They have responded to one of the many urgent needs for mission in today’s Europe by moving house to live among the unreached urban poor.
  1. With the present situation with Covid-19 and all that comes with it, what would it look like for you, in your context, to go to the people around you, rather than waiting for them to come to you?
  2. Can you think of a neighbourhood that you know about, which has no (or limited) Christian presence? What would it look like if a team of Christians moved in there? How might they serve the people living there?
  3. What would be key elements to see a growing movement of Christians purposefully moving into areas with no Christians?
  4. What would be the hardest things for you if you were to move from your present place of living to a neighbourhood with no Christian presence? Are there things you would have to give up?

4. Prayer

Time in our Impact Groups is limited but we really want you to make sure that you leave enough time to pray together every time you meet. Here are the prayer points for April:

  1. Pray against the spirit of fear, anxiety, panic, worry and feelings of loneliness as nations and cities go on lock-down for health and safety reasons.
  2. Pray for God to use us, the body of Christ in Europe and across the globe, to be a beacon of hope. Pray that God would unite us so that, as we step out in courageous faith to encourage people in our communities and nations, we might show how trust triumphs over fear in the midst of the current health crisis. Pray that we might be people of compassion and empathy, who will touch the isolated and the lonely with the message of love. And pray for creative ways to reach out to people with the Gospel of Christ.
  3. Pray for the people who work in the health and social care departments and organisations, that God would give them patience, wisdom, strength, grace and a gentle spirit as they take care of those infected/affected by the COVID-19 virus. Also, pray for covering and protection for them and for those who are vulnerable (the elderly and those with underlying chronic health conditions). Continue praying for the comfort of the Holy Spirit for the families who have experienced the loss of loved ones during these times.

5. Make Your Contribution to the Conversation

Immediately following your Impact Group, we would like your group to summarise what you hear from the Lord during the discussion, ask any questions you might have, or to leave other thoughts in the comments box immediately below. You might want to read what others have written too. And feel free to make use of the Shareables on your social media. See you next month.


About the speaker

Janet is from France, England, Iceland, and spent 14 years in Greece as a missionary with Hellenic Ministries. She currently serves on the Lausanne Europe regional team. She is co-founder of Truth Matters, a graduate of the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics, and is currently working on an MA in Contemporary Missiology with a European focus. She is am married to Mehran, a wonderful Persian man, and has a passion to reach all of Europe with the Gospel.