Across the world today, men and women are faithfully stewarding God’s call as leaders and people of influence in organisations, churches, schools, and marketplaces. What would happen if these men and women were to gather together to form God-inspired, catalytic connections within and across regions, generations, shared interests, and ideas? This is the unique calling of the Lausanne Movement: to connect influencers and ideas for global mission across generations. Lausanne Europe, as part of the Lausanne Movement, shares in this calling.

There are three ways in which we try to accomplish this, YLG European Regional Gatherings, online resources, and gatherings.
About the speaker

Janet is from France, England, Iceland, and spent 14 years in Greece as a missionary with Hellenic Ministries. She currently serves on the Lausanne Europe regional team. She is co-founder of Truth Matters, a graduate of the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics, and is currently working on an MA in Contemporary Missiology with a European focus. She is am married to Mehran, a wonderful Persian man, and has a passion to reach all of Europe with the Gospel.